Across the globe there are many religions and most people follow one of them. The biggest belief systems, in terms of followers, are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Smaller religions include Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, Judaism, plus many more. Religious people often argue that their belief system supplies their life with meaning, moral guidance, a social structure, as well as a sense of comfort in a harsh and challenging world. There are arguments not to have a religion, however, and I list eleven of the main reasons used by non-religious people to justify non-belief. 11 Reasons Why Religion is Bad 1. It's Based on Supernatural Ideas Rather Than Science Religion is based on the fallacy that the universe operates according to “supernatural” rules and forces, rather than scientific laws. Tales of miracles performed, the appearances of unearthly beings such as angels, and people defying death seem very unlikely to be true and have no backing from science. 2. It Cause...
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